Upper Hamlet

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"The bending effects of the lake make it so that everything crashes together or seperates like oil and water" [1]


The Upper Hamlet is built on top of the Lower Hamlet, with many of its foundations simply being the roofs or walls of the village below. The only area of the Upper Hamlet that can be reached is the New House, but the layout is exactly the same as the Lower Hamlet.

New House

View of the New House from the Procession Road gates

"This is a new build; the plastic, acrid smell of the Lower Hamlet has gone now and the walls are clean. Houses here have the same layout as the houses below, and Smut stands in the New House." [2]


House reached just after leaving the gates at the top of Procession Road. There is no road leading up to it, it simply stands right behind the gates. Smut will be waiting in the middle room, but apart from that it is completely empty.

It seems to be exactly the same construction as the Old House except it is not constructed, or coated, with wax. All of the doors are closed except for the back door leading out into the garden.


The garden here is much the same as the Old House's Garden except it is flooded; the river beside is risen and has swamped all the flower beds. The sheds that run down the side are filled with animals.

The shed at the very end is filled with chickens, and the shed next door, cows. In the shed closest to the house there is a horse that lies dead. Its open eyes look like blueberries, similar to those others who are blind, and flies flutter around the head. All the other sheds are shut and nothing can be heard inside.


Smut will pull you through the water, leading you to the Fen Churches, but will not go further than that, instead electing to stand in the rising floods.


Leave me with the animals here,

I will not go any further than this.

The eggs from his gut,

must be taken

and given to the bird

on top of the hill.

This is what I have smelled.

Fen Churches

"At the back of the garden (following the bitter river that runs alongside it) there are a collection of fifteen churches. Many rivers wind around the buildings, which come together and flow down into the village. The grounds are quadrisected by two crossing paths, leading from, and towards, surrounding fields. Here is Luminary Ramon, who is followed by a congregation usually a dozen in number." [3]


The Fen Churches are a collection of 15 churches that stand in the very upper stratum of the village. Standing in contrast to most of the hamlet, the grounds are green, wide and full of water. The landscape is well groomed and surrounded only by the horizon. Rivers run through and between the hiera, most of which are inaccessible.

Some of the churches are small like graves, others bigger like mausoleums; only one stands above the rest. Some of them have windows and inside each one, animals of various shapes and sizes can be seen gathered.

Here, Luminary Ramon can be found walking away from the largest church and into the garden.

The Congregation

The Congregation are a collection of larger animals inside the largest church, huddled around the Map.


Upper Hamlet > Riving Hill

Lower Hamlet > Upper Hamlet
